5th Annual Anti Counterfeiting and Brand Protection India Summit 2021

December 9, 2021

5:06 pm

Holiday Inn Mumbai International Airport

December 15-16, 2021, Holiday Inn Mumbai International Airport

The 5th Annual Anti-Counterfeiting & Brand Protection India Summit 2021 will bring stalwarts from across industries under one roof to discuss the latest counterfeiting issues and best practices for brand protection. The summit will focus on discussing latest trends in anti- counterfeiting, challenges and issues faced by organizations to fight counterfeiting in India. An excellent opportunity to discuss, share experiences, case studies, network with industry leaders and learn about the current and innovative practices in the industry to curb counterfeiting and protect your brand.

VerifyMe’s Head of Business Development for India, Adhinayak Gohar, will be attending the show. Please contact him at agohar@verifyme.com to schedule an appointment and learn more about VerifyMe’s brand protection and consumer engagement solutions.