nutraceutical jars

Nutraceutical Market Protection

nutraceutical pill packs


Nutraceuticals are a growing market with vast potential. However, as the market grows, so does the threat of unauthorized product being sold to consumers. For example, a leading nutraceutical manufacturer based in Europe selling its product line into 26 countries, was experiencing diversion issues as blister packs were removed from the packaging, then re-packaged into counterfeit outer boxes and sold into other countries at below market value, undermining that region’s distribution channel. Online sales platforms were also selling into multiple regions without permission.

pharmacist talking to customer about nutraceuticals

What VerifyMe Can Do

VerifyMe provided a tamper-evident label solution for the blister pack, containing variable unique visible QR codes. The code offers full traceability functionality, meaning that any code scanned out of area would not verify for the consumer or retailer. Additionally, removing the label compromises the integrity of the blister pack. The code also allows customers to obtain product information and instructions, and provide feedback.

Solution Details

Market protection

By using VerifyMe Authenticity™ and VerifyMe Traceability™, companies ensure that bad players are not able to deface visible codes and remove noticeable labels, like RFID. The result is a traceable product that cannot be dumped into a different market at a market-destroying low price point.


VerifyMe Traceability™ enables companies to print an invisible serial number on every label that nobody knows is there. Nutraceutical manufacturers can now know what product is getting shipped to whom across the globe. Using our mobile authentication device and a smartphone, inspectors read that invisible serial number and identify where the product shipped from, thereby eliminating product diversion.


With invisible codes, counterfeiters are unable to scan, copy, or destroy codes and labels. Your company has solved a major problem and saved time, money, and brand equity.

  • VerifyInk™
  • VerifyChecker™

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